At Blanket Fort Hope, we provide housing, trauma services, counseling, education and hope to child survivors of human trafficking.

You're Invited
What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is the buying and selling of a person to provide forced labor, prostitution, slavery, servitude or organ removal using force, fraud or coercion. But for children it's different because they are always forced into situations they have no control over.

Training & Education
We train foster families, DHR employees, medical staff, school faculty and others who might come in contact with children who have been or are currently being trafficked on how to take appropriate action.
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Blanket Fort Hope is licensed to provide trauma-informed therapy services to trafficked minors who are put in our care. Boys and girls who’ve experienced these horrors need specialized therapy to help them cope with their past and move on to their future.

Restoration Home
Restoration starts in an environment that focuses on caring for trauma. We’re building our therapeutic restoration home, tailored to care for 9 female child trafficking survivors at a time and provide all the essential services they need to find hope.
Foster Care Services
Our Foster Care Services focus on licensing compassionate foster parents, providing ongoing support and resources to foster parents caring for trafficked kids, and offering specialized training tailored to trafficked children's unique needs. We also actively recruit people interested in becoming foster parents who want to provide a nurturing environment where these vulnerable children can recover and be hopeful about their future.

Grace to all
who love Our Lord
Jesus Christ
with undying love.
Ephesians 6:24

Training & Education
We train foster families, DHR employees, medical staff, school faculty and others who might come in contact with children who have been or are currently being trafficked on how to take appropriate action.

Trauma-Informed Therapy
Blanket Fort Hope is licensed to provide trauma-informed therapy services to trafficked minors who are put in our care. Boys and girls who’ve experienced these horrors need specialized therapy to help them cope with their past and move on to their future.

Restoration Home
Restoration starts in an environment that focuses on caring for trauma. We’re building our therapeutic restoration home, tailored to care for 9 female child trafficking survivors at a time and provide all the essential services they need to find hope.

Foster Care Services
Our Foster Care Services focus on licensing compassionate foster parents, providing ongoing support and resources to foster parents caring for trafficked kids, and offering specialized training tailored to trafficked children's unique needs. We also actively recruit people interested in becoming foster parents who want to provide a nurturing environment where these vulnerable children can recover and be hopeful about their future.
Events at blanket fort hope
Want to volunteer at Blanket Fort Hope?
Restoring Hope Gala
February 27, 2025You are Invited to Celebrate a Decade of Hope at our A fundraising dinner supporting child sex trafficking survivors. Save the Date 6:00pm - 9:00pm The Club, Inc. (Private Membership Venue) 1 Robert S. Smith...
Holding the Fort
You can play a role in protecting and restoring children affected by human trafficking whether you are raising
awareness, supporting survivors, or simply staying informed. Join us in Holding the Fort and become part of
a community of hope that stands strong together.