[UPDATE] An offer is accepted on land in Shelby Co, Alabama!

Our land offer has been accepted! We are officially raising funds to build our restorative therapeutic center for child survivors! Donate today to help Build the Fort.
Not a full month into 2021 and God is already doing great work! We are excited to announce we have made an offer on a beautiful 73 acre piece of property in Shelby County, Alabama! Partially developed with existing baseball fields that will continue to be leased to a nearby Christian school, and the rest ripe for development, we know this is the land God is calling us to!
We are praising God for this special opportunity to develop and build Alabama’s first home to provide dedicated therapeutic assistance to child victims of trafficking. “Fort Hope Ranch” will serve these precious children by providing them with stability, love, therapy, education, freedom, while exposing them to the Gospel truths of Jesus Christ.
We pray you will join us in celebrating this tremendous win for Blanket Fort Hope!
For partnerships and sponsorship opportunities, please contact alexa@blanketforthope.org.
If you would like to make a contribution to our Investing In Hope capital campaign to help build Alabama’s first crisis and therapeutic center for child victims of human trafficking, please consider a one-time or recurring donation directly to our housing fund.