What Does Trafficking Look Like

There are endless misconceptions about human trafficking. And even more about how children are trafficked.

Take the time to learn the truth so we can fight against it in our communities.

What are the numbers?

How do we determine if someone has been trafficked?

Know and share all the signs by downloading this flyer today.

It’s more than just sexual abuse, and kidnapping isn’t always involved. But, it does always involve three things: Force, Fraud, or Coercion. It doesn’t have to be all three, it can just be one or the other.

While these must be proved and present for an adult to be legally identified as “trafficked”, for children this is not the case. Why? Because children are not self-identifying and it is not consensual. They will always be forced into a situation they have no control over. Additionally, they will be too scared to come forward, so identification is always difficult.

What do the victims look like?

This is not an easy question to answer. The truth is victims do not look alike. They come from all ages, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds.

But we can discern based off key identifying behaviors.

This list is not exhaustive. Schedule a training with us to learn about additional identifying factors and how to respond to the survivors you may encounter!

  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of punishment
  • Guilt of being a “criminal”
  • Guilt over dishonoring families
  • Dependency issues
  • Risky behaviors
  • Aggression
  • Excessive Fear
  • Inability to articulate needs
  • Disguises their age
  • False identification
  • Obedient to a “boyfriend” or other dominant figure

Who are the traffickers?

A common misconception in Alabama is that there aren’t many trafficking cases because most traffickers are pimps.

Identifying the types of traffickers will open our eyes to the many different ways children and adults may be trafficked without us even knowing.

The Familial is the most common form of trafficker in the state of Alabama.

These perpetrators will most often sell their children to pay rent or to meet the demands of a drug addiction.

  • Family Traffickers
  • Guerilla Traffickers
  • Everyday Buyers
  • Debt Captor
  • Romeo Traffickers
  • Corporate Traffickers

Need more information?

Let us come speak with your team, church, small group, or organization. We’ll help them understand the ins and outs of survivor identification and response.

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